Monday 2 November 2015



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Have a nice d-

Record: 20-15-20-1-12-9-20-25

Record Found:

Beginning Playback:

*The Glitch staggered from the punch and he seemed to blink out of existence a few times then he turned on Jack*

There you are... I was wondering when you would show up instead of making me face your pawns.

-Yeah well I'm here now. Oh and Muffin I brought some of your friends-

*Jack stated as Megan, Dr. Malice, Lisa, Harold, Ariadne and Amanda all appeared*

What? What's the point of this?

Yes, I am confused Jack? Why have you brought these people? They will not help you...

-I don't need anyone's help. I just wanted to make sure you were all here for this-

*Jack states and then snaps his fingers a tiny little sphere appearing in his hand and he tosses it at The Glitch*

What? No!

*The Glitch roars as the ball explodes and the quiet emerges beginning to absorb everything around it. The Glitch screams as it's sucked into the quiet*

-You may have created The Quiet, but it belongs to me now-

What the... Hey!

*Muffin called as him and the others began being sucked into the quiet as well*

-Yeah sorry, Muffy there was a reason I made sure you and your friends were here. The Quiet will destroy the glitch and you and this entire universe. With you and your friends, God and The Man in Grey gone I will have complete control over everything. Thanks so much for your help-

Damn you Ja-

*Muffin started before being sucked into the Quiet. Jack walked outside to find The Ne Timu victorious*

Time to go?

-Yes it is time to go. I will make you and The Ne Timu their own universe where the fears never existed as per our agreement and then I will remake The Fears themselves. Finally there is nothing to stand in my way anymore. It's time to get things started off right.-


Insight Acquired
 Error in Playback
  Beginning Playback
   Record: 5-18-9-19

Faceless stood before us. His mask gone, distortions spread out from him like wings and his face hurt to look at. When he spoke his voice was grating and shifted wildly in pitch and tempo.

"I am The Glitch. I am That which existed before your universe and that which will exist afterwards. You are, but a singular entity. No matter how many of you there are you are singular I am infinite. I can not be beaten, I cannot be killed. I will exist as long as Existence exists. For I am Non-Existence I am the Origin of The Quiet and I will not be destroyed as long as my opposite continues. As the light grows so too does the shadow"

We rushed him as one and with a wave of his hand most of us ceased to exist. Only I remained. It seemed hopeless.

"Do you see... It is futility... Life is futility... It will be better to simply rest,"

-Sorry, but I enjoy existing- and then a red gloved hand hit The Glitch in the jaw.

   Record: 20-15-20-1-12-9-20-25 Missing
  Ending Playback
 Attempting to Debug
Insight Needed  

Record: 20-8-5 3-15-12-4 19-5-5-11-5-18

So... I just talk and The Newborn will record it?

Seems like it

Well alright... so we've gone to face Faceless and... Wait I don't have to Narrate everything do I?

No... He'll describe everything that happens as it happens. He can see us.

Oh alright...

*The Glitch has made himself a lair out of pieces of the surrounding countryside. As Muffin approaches Faceless appears before him.*

I was expecting you. We figured Jack would send you to stop us. You will not be enough however... Not against what we have accomplished.

*As he spoke the newly evolved Fears appeared. Muffin looked them over and then straight at Faceless*

Too scared to face me yourself?

Why should I bother to deal with an insect?

*The fears prepared to attack and Muffin got into a fighting stance*

Alright our turn. We've been waiting forever for a chance like this!

*Unikeia announced as she appeared along with the rest of The Ne Timu and attacked The Fears. In the ensuing battle Muffin rushed at Faceless and Faceless disappeared. Muffin followed him into The Glitch's Lair. Muffin found Faceless inside*

A clever Trick... I must give Jack a commendation. I suppose this is to be our climactic battle. We were friends once... Are you sure you don't want to join my side?

Hard to be friends with someone who's planning to destroy everything... Besides you're not Faceless. You're the glitch.

Fair enough... Well then let us fight, but like you said I am not Faceless, I am far more than Faceless. I am The Glitch and you are an insignificant mortal.

Well... To be fair... I'm not just one insignificant mortal... I am many. Spread throughout the multiverse and if this works as intended-

*Muffin stated calling forth the power Jack had granted him. Tears appeared in the world around him and from them emerged, Muffin. All the Muffins from all over the multiverse*

-We're all here. Think you can take all of us?!

*Muffin stated and attacked. Glitch!Faceless did his best to fight back against an almost infinte wave of Muffins, but it wasn't going well. With one last attack Muffin punched Faceless in the Face and his mask shattered. He staggered back and then everything became static*


Insight Acquired
 Beginning Playback
  Record: 10-1-3-11 6-18-15-19-20
What do you want from us %@(& ?

-It is simple. I want you to do what you always do. Disrupt the plans of the nigh unstoppable. The &!!^(# is going to destroy everything and there is very little we can do about it. That very little we can do we will do and as long as I'm still alive we have a chance. I'm not asking you to trust me, you'd be a fool to trust me. I will undoubtedly betray all of you as soon as this is over, but for now you need me and I need you.-

So what exactly do you want us to do.

-Kill The Faceless Bastard. Destroy the servant so I can face the master.-

  Record: 20-8-5 3-15-12-4 19-5-5-11-5-18 corrupted
 Ending Playback
Insight Needed 

Saturday 24 October 2015

Record: 23-15-15-4-5-14 19-14-9-16-5-18

Record fixed:

Beginning Playback:

*Jack stepped forward from the darkness*

-Oh Muffy you don't remember me? I'm hurt-

Jack! I should have known you were behind this!

-No... Don't you remember the story you just told? The Glitch is behind this. This once we're actually allies... In fact I need your help. I have a plan to defeat The Glitch, but I need you and Unikeia-

Hey Muffin!

Hey Unikeia...

-Right yes, anyway I need you and Unikeia to help me fight against The Glitch. If I can get to him I can beat him, but first I need you and Unikeia to make him reveal himself which won't be easy. He's taken the fears and made them stronger and he's hiding in the altered body of Faceless. Now I have a plan that will let us get to him, but I need you to do as I say.-


Insight Acquired
 Beginning Playback
  Record: 20-8-5 8-1-18-12-5-17-21-9-14

Hi my name is The Muffin Man and I don't know what's going on here!
-Tell me about the last thing you remember-

Um... Well the last thing I remember was Portnoy, or God or whoever went to go beat some sense into The Wooden Girl after she went crazy and started taking control of entire cities and making them put on elaborate and gory plays. We found her and she looked different her normally wooden skin had a metallic sheen and the face painted onto it was smeared and dripping. She also kept alternating between crying and laughing during the fight. We won of course. Few things can stand against God... Or could I guess? 

-Please continue. Do not get ahead of yourself-

Right right... So we beat her and she fled, releasing all the people. We talked about whether or not to go after her when everything seemed to shift. It felt like the entire world just like tilted slightly or something... We weren't in the same place we were before. We were on top of a building. There was also something wrong with God. He was staggering and swaying like he was drunk. As I watched he fell off of the building. I lunged after him and caught him in the air as we both fell. I don't think either of us would have suffered too badly from the fall, I mean he's God and I'm basically invincible. Might have broken a couple of bones. The building wasn't too high up honestly. Then everything shifted again. And suddenly we were falling on top of the same building. It had one of those pointy antenna things. Portnoy knocked me away and then fell getting impaled on the antenna. I hit the roof of the building and pain surged through me. I think every bone in my body was broken... Well probably not every bone, but yeah... Portnoy was still fine and he started to try and pull himself up off of the Antenna when Faceless Appeared. God stopped and looked at him and then Faceless just decapitated him. I couldn't understand it and I still don't, but apparently it worked. Faceless killed God. He then turned to me. "Hey Muffin... Tell me everything you remember about me,"

"You just killed God," 

"Yes, yes, but that's not important... Tell me what you remember?"

"I remember hearing about you and going back in time to get you out of the fight with The Emissary... I remember you helping us fight The Ne Timu... I remember you and May killing Megan... and I remember fighting you and then you went crazy and The Liar killed you and then we fought you as The Archangel and... These memories don't make sense... What's going on?"

"You remember the other universes... Even Dreslith's internal universe... Wasn't expecting that one. Existence is breaking down. For instance do you remember that you died? You, me, Lisa, Dr. Malice and everyone. We all died during Amanda's quest to release God. So how are you here right now?"

"G... God brought me back?"

"No. You weren't brought back. You came back. Cracks are appearing and the dead are falling back through. No one remains dead anymore. It's part of the side effect..." he said then looked at God, "Well he'll stay dead... My new master will make sure of that..."

"What new Master? Side Effect of what?" I asked confused.

"I told you. Everything is breaking down,"

"If you fell through a crack as well, why do you know all of this, shouldn't you be as confused as the rest of us?"

"I didn't fall through a crack... I was pulled," he said and then removed his mask.

"Y... You have a face?!"

"That's right. I was rebuilt in my new Masters image. All of The Fears are being rebuilt... evolved as it were. Far greater than Jack's designs. They still retain human weaknesses, but the new evolved fears of my master will not have such weaknesses,"

"Who's this master of yours?"

"The fourth of Three. The Glitch in The System," he answered and then everything began to shift again and then I was falling and I hit the ground and woke up here... Who are you anyway?

  Record: 23-15-15-4-5-14 19-14-9-16-5-18 corrupted
 Ending Playback
Insight Needed